Accueil » 60 projects selected to benefit from training sessions in Tunisia to make their businesses grow

60 projects selected to benefit from training sessions in Tunisia to make their businesses grow

by webmasterconect

CONECT, the Tunisian partner from GIMED, has selected 60 projects to benefit from training sessions. In the framework of the call for applications launched in March 2021, a total of 40 ideation start-ups and 20 green early-stage ventures will receive support in order to make their businesses grow. The selected projects work on eco-innovative products or services and within the trainings they will have the chance to develop green strategies and regional business connections, needless to say they will gain better access to finance and market opportunities.

Entrepreneurs have been shortlisted taking into account their value proposition, innovation, applicability of their technology and intellectual property in the development of their green business model. On the one hand, among the 20 early-stage projects there are different categories to which they belong: Green Technology (1), Resource Efficiency and Sustainable Waste Management (9), Organic Food and Farming (4), Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (1), Sustainable Tourism (2), Sustainable Cleaning and Cosmetic (2), Sustainable Building (1) and Others (1).

On the other hand, the 40 selected start-ups in the ideation stage are comprised in the same sectors, being the category of resource efficiency and sustainable waste management the one with more projects. This category is followed by the green technology field and the organic food and farming, sectors with a vast presence of projects. During the support program, especially women and youth will benefit from tailored business support to their project needs. They will also have the opportunity to be granted, get funds and have access to markets.

Selected participants will be trained using the Green Business Model Canvas, developed with the Regional Activity Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP/RAC), the Lead Beneficiary of GIMED.

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